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Edge-Powered Grid Excellence

Streamlining Operations and Unlocking Insights

webinar replay

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Watch on-demand to learn how electric utility operators can enhance their operational efficiency and gain actionable insights by integrating edge data.

Invisible power quality issues are costing U.S. businesses nearly $200 billion a year with similar numbers in Europe of €150 billion. These losses can come in a variety of forms, from damaged equipment or downtime because of unplanned outages, to lost customers who expect reliable service. The right data and insights can help prevent losses.

Key Webinar Takeaways on using real-time edge-data:

  • Enables actionable insights 
  • Automate tasks for improved efficiency
  • Prevent power quality issues
  • Improve customer satisfaction

Don't miss out your opportunity to stream this engaging and informative session reimagining utility management through a pragmatic lens and envisioning the potential it holds for efficiency, resiliency, and profitability of your grid. Register to watch immediately!